Funding changes - the new entitlements will be rolled out in stages:

 From April 2024, all working parents of 2-year-olds can access 15 hours per week

 From September 2024, all working parents of children aged 9 months up to 3 years old can

access 15 hours per week

 From September 2025 all working parents of children aged 9 months up to 3 years old can

access 30 hours funded childcare per week

All children from the term after their 3rd Birthday, will be entitled to the Government funded 15

hours per week (for 38 weeks per annum). No funding code is required for this entitlement.

We also offer spaces to children who are entitled to the extended funding, 30 hours per week (for 38

weeks per annum)

For more information on tax-free childcare and the new funding entitlements please visit

It is the parent/carers responsibility to apply for the 15 hours or 30 hours funding. The only

exception to this is the 15 hours entitlement that all children receive the term following their 3 rd

birthday. Upon acceptance of funding or extended 30 hours you will receive a code which you need

to pass on to the Preschool Manager together with National Insurance numbers and child’s date of


When a child first starts at Dandelions, you will need to complete a funding form. This will confirm

the hours being claimed and the details above.

Every 3 months you will need to re-validate your claim. Reminders will be sent out on Tapestry.

Further information on funding can be found at:


We also accept payments via the tax-free saving scheme.
